I not only dream when I sleep, but also dream when I'm awake, when I see something innovative, when I'm talking. It's very easy for me to get distracted on a particular topic and 'zone out'. The land of dreams always seems to be a magical world to be in. No matter how tired I am or how stressed I am, the dreamer in me never gets tired, never gets stressed. Recently, I was quite tired and had to go to my friend's house for lunch. Despite the tiredness, I went and we started talking about food - which is our favorite topic always. During the conversation, we started wondering about a concept of 'Indo-mexican fast food'. It might sound quirky, but no sooner had the conversation begun, I had started dreaming about relishing this non existent food in a non existent fast food restaurant somewhere near my hometown. I had 'zoned out'. My friend kept talking and after a while, having realized that I had zoned out, brought me back to my senses.
I guess, I'm such a dreamer because it's so easy. There's absolutely no effort involved, whatsoever in imagining and dreaming. One of these days, I'll try to turn one of my dreams to reality. I just wish I dream something simple and easy to accomplish :).
Count me in if its about food....I will help u make ur dream come true and then finish most of it too ;)-Candy
I just know ur going to laff at green grass!!!!
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