Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Me and My Memory

For those who know me, its no surprise how forgetful I am. Its a matter of annoyance sometimes when you forget important things but there's hardly anything I can do to overcome it. The instances of forgetting key chains, pens, cell phones are innumerable. Also I rely heavily on the calendar and appointments. However so far, my 'memory' has been successful in getting me into quite funny and bizzare situations:

Our hostel had only one phone where all of us got calls. I was the only 'pradeep' in the hostel. So one night someone calls, I pick up the phone, ask him to wait, come out and shout 'pradeep, phone for you' only later to realize the phone was actually for me and that was my dad calling.

In college again, the day after we get the final exam report cards we were all having chai in our canteen and suddenly I discovered I didnt have the folder containg the reports. Just a thought and I took it for granted that I've lost the folder, went to the office to ask for duplicates: the expression on the clerk's face, who had handed me the reports just a few minutes earlier was priceless.

So we go to Barista around noon have the usual cappucino, chat for a while, get out and head to a pub when I realize I've forgotten my jacket but I dont pay much attention, and after all the roaming n pubbing we come back to the same Barista again and are sipping coffee, when I spot a jacket - I am about to return the jacket to the cashier when my friend yells - 'Hey, isnt that your jacket'. Thats when I realize.

Am in the Mt.Hood National park, get out of the car to take a picture, put my keys in the jacket, open the trunk put the jacket in the trunk and conveniently close it. I dont realize that the key is in the trunk until I get back. (Thankfully the moon roof was tilted slightly and I could slide a rod thro' it to open the lock )

So far, by God's grace, I've been able to get out of bizzare situations and I dont mind bieng a part of funny situations. As long as I can find what I've lost I'll consider myself fortunate.


Green Grass said...

lolllllllllllllllllll this was the funniest post ever....especially the second para....crazy fellow aur bol kaise hai tu...sab teek chal raha hai ki nahi?

Unknown said...

Hey candz, long time. Arey am doing good. Sab aab ki daya se theek chal raha hai :) hows it goin wid u ?