Sunday, August 31, 2003

Ganesh Chathurthi:
This is one of the most widely celebrated festival in our country. I still have not understood the significance of the festival, for that matter I have not understood the significance of most of the festivals. We do 'pooja' to the lord on this day and tons of manthras will be chanted but what do those manthras mean ? Are they significant in the present world. Somehow when I sat for the pooja yesterday only such thoughts were going on in my mind. There is no answer for the why's in our society. Some one has started the tradition and its our duty to follow it. Are people forgetting the 'bhakthi' aspect of these festivals. Even the festivals are commercialized. People are more bothered about the size of the Ganesha idol. The bigger the better. If this continues, generation after generation, Ganesh Chathurthi will exist only in memories.

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