Getting to see companies laying off people in hoards every week is no pleasant sight. Sure it has not affected me personally but it's quite saddening to see people without jobs, seeking unemployment benefits and hardly able to make days go by. These prompted me to think - why do most of the companies lay off people, especially during times of distress. Why do some companies stick to a 'no layoff' policy. Are employees mere 'costs' to a company, that need to be cut in accordance with finance 101 ? May be so, but I started to think on a lateral thought.
Consider the human body. There are times when we don't use the hands. When we don't use the legs, or rather bluntly put - we don't need them at times. However, all these organs consume energy and there by 'cost' something to the body. It doesn't so happen that when there is a shortage for food, we think of chopping our hands or legs off (so as to meet the minimal food requirements). There's no thought process that even gives a faint idea to someone to chop their hands off because they can't find food to eat. This is just an example. Where am I going with this ?
Why don't companies operate like a human body? Why aren't employees considered integral to the company .. just like the organs of a body. Is it even practical to operate like this ? Is it moral ? All these questions aside, I think it would be phenomenal for a company to operate with a synergy exhibited by the human body. Practicality of this thought .. I have no idea, but I guess some rationale can be pitched in to 'refine' the thought and make it more practical. Never the less, it doesn't hurt to think on these lines.
Consider the human body. There are times when we don't use the hands. When we don't use the legs, or rather bluntly put - we don't need them at times. However, all these organs consume energy and there by 'cost' something to the body. It doesn't so happen that when there is a shortage for food, we think of chopping our hands or legs off (so as to meet the minimal food requirements). There's no thought process that even gives a faint idea to someone to chop their hands off because they can't find food to eat. This is just an example. Where am I going with this ?
Why don't companies operate like a human body? Why aren't employees considered integral to the company .. just like the organs of a body. Is it even practical to operate like this ? Is it moral ? All these questions aside, I think it would be phenomenal for a company to operate with a synergy exhibited by the human body. Practicality of this thought .. I have no idea, but I guess some rationale can be pitched in to 'refine' the thought and make it more practical. Never the less, it doesn't hurt to think on these lines.