Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Happy Deepavali

Hope everyone gets to celebrate the festival of lights with absolute fervor. I have once again changed the layout of my blog, guess the Gemini mind can never be consistent :).
Have been on a travel spree, ( thanks to my new job ). Presently in Montana, will be leaving today for California. I always desired to visit Montana, but never thought I would come here because of work. Am in a town called Billings in Montana. This is supposedly the most populous town of the state. A highly laid back place, very few people and vast streches of land. Also this is called the 'sky state' or something like that. Thats because the land is absolutely flat, there are very few buildings and if you just lift your head, get to see the vast expanse of the clear blue skies.
Hopefully I get to come back here, as this was a very short stay of 3 days and I get to go to YellowStone :). I forgot to bring my compact flash card for my camera and hence could not take any pics.
The next week I will be in Alaska, and will get to experience the bone chilling winter. Hope I get to go out and explore the state and if daylight persists for some decent duration, will try to take some pics and post them. Till then ... adios

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