Sunday, December 07, 2008

Exploitation in India

For a long time, I've been pondering about the social aspects of life in India and trying to find out what probably is the key to most of the miseries in the sub continent. I think it all comes down to exploitation. From the roots of corruption to the mass religious conversions, it's exploitation all the way. What could be the cause of this deep rooted exploitation, needs to be found out. The very basic tenet of an Indian is to exploit I guess. May be it's the population density that has given rise to this character, but in every facet of the social life, exploitation stands tall, of course to the watchful eye. What got me into this mode of thinking was this revealing fact :

"beggars drug kids, put them to sleep and use them as begging baits".

This process of drugging the kids is a well established chain of exploitations. A homeless couple has a kid - whom they can't feed. A beggar exploits this by 'renting' the kid for a certain sum of money every day. The parents won't ask any reasons - they just take the money and hand over the kid. The beggar then goes to a fake doctor who exploits the beggar by taking a portion of that money for putting the kid to sleep by giving an intravenous injection of some sort. The beggar then uses the kid for begging - as the kid sleeps all day.

What startled me was that this process is a well established one. I mean, everyone knows about it and just shows a blind eye ? In a society, where even a kid's life is not valued for and at least taken into consideration - I fail to understand how 'macro policies' that affect other realms of life and society will be valued. Macro policies such as right to education, environment awareness, political stability etc - these have absolutely no value at the grass roots.

For all the 'emerging economy' glory, one has to look deeper into the Indian society and to see that is filled with this cruel exploitation. Truly saddening.

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