Monday, January 05, 2004


This is something that I've noticed over the past few months and thought over it a lot last nite. What's friendship all about ? Sharing thoughts ? I think so. During this thought sharing process, if we discover that some of our thoughts match with those of the other person/people we tend to develop a liking for that 'group'. I used to be in such a 'group' and slowly that group is diminishing. What I cannot understand is .. 2 years back every member of that group liked to be there, meet up regularly, everyone wanted to share ideas do this, do that, it was fun. Now it looks like all that was a farce. It looks as if people were part of that group just for the heck of bieng there without any other alternatives, and now when they ve found the greener pastures of life (like marriage, getting into a better position at work or wotever) they ve just said 'to hell' to the rest of us so called friends, me in particular. This has been the case with most of my friends. I sometimes feel, am I so bad ? I dont know whether to term it as good or bad, but this attitude of people kinda hurts. Looks as if people talk to you and share their ideas just because they dont have anyone else to do so. When they find that 'someone else' or some other means of venting out their thoughts, they just forget about you. In essence people dont seem to have any 'gratitude'. Such behavior of my friends hardly affects me but sometimes, I tend to think about these things. I did some introspection and to the best of my thoughts, all I could decide is am gonna be there for whoever has listened to me or shown some care about me or tried to solve my problems or been with me during my days of crisis (In the very true sense ). Am gonna listen to them whereever I am, however I am (barring some time zone differences ), n do my level best to comfort them. At the same time, I wont give a damn for anyone who's had a ungrateful attitude towards me ( irrespective of the circumstances) and been the source of any trouble in my life. Realized about a lot of mistakes I did in the past 2 years, and I feel its time now to get back, take on that baton and turn things around. Sounds selfish, revengeful .. yes of course .. me no Gautham Buddha plz :)

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